Come Dancing - with MAWTT

Thursday, March 31, 2016 8 comments
Ny utmaning hos MAWTT (Moving Along With The Times) Challenge blog.

Temat? "Come Dancing". Så varför inte dansa över till utmaningsbloggen och ta en svängom med oss ;-)

På mitt kort ser Du några dansanta karaktärer från min favoritbok av Jane Austen: Pride & Prejudice.
Därav texten "I heart Mr. Darcy", för vem gör inte det, liksom <3

Motivet och de två bakgrundspapprerna som jag använt kommer ifrån Gecko Galz.


New challenge at MAWTT (Moving Along With The Times) Challenge blog.

The themet? "Come Dancing". So why not dance over to the challenge blog and join us.

My card features some dancing characters from my favorite novel by Jane Austen: Pride & Prejudice.
Hence the text "I heart Mr. Darcy", because who doesn't <3

The image and the background papers are from Gecko Galz.

Bombshell and a Rad Birthday

Thursday, March 24, 2016 No comments
Mina studier har tagit mycket tid det senaste och bloggen har fått lida. Jag ska försöka samla ihop korten jag gjort under den senaste månaden i några få inlägg.

Jag önskar Dig en trevlig påskhelg :-)


My studies have taken up alot of my time latey and the blog had to take a step (or five) back. I will try to gather the cards I've made in this past month into a few posts.

I wish You a very nice Easter holiday :-)


The first card I want to show you as one I made for a friend of my brother. She turned 30 and got a tattoo as a gift. I thought that a stamp from Bombshell Stamps was just what a card like that needed :-) I wrote her name by hand.



I made the next card for my nephew on his 18th birthday. The text stamps are from CAS-ual Fridays Stamps and the background is made with distress inks :-)

Shabby Chic Easter - with Gecko Galz

Tuesday, March 1, 2016 4 comments
Ny utmaning med Gecko Galz. "Shabby Chic Easter" är temat denna gång.
Motiven kommer ifrån det söta Easter Joy Digital Collage Set.

Men Shabby Chic? Nja... känner mig osäker eftersom korten inte är så värst "shabby".
Men söta blev de :-)


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New challenge at Gecko Galz. The theme this time is "Shabby Chic Easter".
The images are from the super cute Easter Joy Digital Collage Set.

But Shabby Chic? Well... I'm unsure since the cards aren't that "shabby".
But they turned out kinda cute :-)


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I'm entering the following challenge with this card:
